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Two new schools proposed for Cheadle college site

by Lib Dem Team on 16 November, 2016

Cheadle Hulme High School and Cheadle and Marple College are proposing to build two new free schools on the Cheadle College site: a new primary and a new secondary.

The Council is not involved in the process. Under the rules, it’s a government body called the Education Funding Agency that runs everything.


Local councillors and residents do not get a say in whether having these schools on that site is a good or a bad thing. The Secretary of State makes the decision.

However, we do get some input into how it is done, and a planning application will have to be considered by the Council which will look at things like the impact of extra traffic getting 1,500 students and several hundred members of staff to and from the college site.

There is a drop-in event organised by the Laurus Trust (the Multi-Academy Trust that’s currently Cheadle Hulme High School and looking to expand) and the Education Funding Agency to help you find out more information.

The event is at the Cheadle College on 30th November 2016 from 5-8pm.


11 Responses

  1. andy hamlin says:

    Slightly confused, you mention that the council is not involved with the process, yet the Laurus Trust leaflet states ” we have worked in partnership with Stockport Council to develop the Primary School proposal” The two statements are contradictory, which is correct. The Council is either involved at some level or not at all, which is it? Is the leaflet wrong?

    • Lib Dem Team says:

      The Council has no formal involvement in the process and was not informed of plans until quite late on. There is no part of the process that requires the council to be consulted or needs their agreement – it’s all down to the Academy Trust, the EFA and the Secretary of State.

      However, the Council was made aware of the primary school proposal before the secondary school one and my understanding is that the Council is formally supporting the primary school but not the secondary school.

      As we mentioned, the Council will be required to decide on any planning applications relating to the proposals.

  2. Arthur Lampkin says:

    Hope the parking etc will be looked at because of all the trouble with it at schools in the area. Shame cars can’t be banned for up to a certain distance around school to make it safe for the kids. Maybe school busses could bus the kids. Just an idea.

  3. Helen says:

    Can the lib dem team provide numbers of children at different ages living in Cheadle Hulme from age 0 to 11
    CHHS made the bid saying children in Cheadle Hulme could not get spaces at its current school. However a large amount of children currently attending CHHS live out of area.
    They also said that they were over subscribed as has 900 applicants. Can we have info from the council as to how many of the applicants lived in catchment area and didnt get places. I suspecy the answer is zero.
    Then perhaps a legal challenge could be made on the basis the decision was made.
    could the public have these figures?

  4. Sarah says:

    I too would like some facts about the demand of school places WITHIN catchment. Cheadle hulme is becoming a total misery to travel within. My commute involves the slip road from the m60 to the a34 and then down cheadle road both of which are a miserable crawl. This school is only going to add to this. We were told the enlargement of oak tree was done to satisfy the demand, WHERE are these figures coming from for a demand for even more LOCAL School places ?

  5. Peter says:

    If demand for secondary education is so high, perhaps the sixth form college could revert to being a high school as it was until the 90s with its own sixth form, Then each high school in the area such as kingsway could have a sixth form again. Or they could go to Stockport college.

  6. Linda Ewing says:

    I agree with everything that has already been said. I am surprised that there is nothing on the blog this week about the Proposals at Gatley Primary. This too will involve a great increase in traffic around the school and the suggestions to combat this are inadequate.
    The access to the car park at the end of Beech Ave is very narrow and cars entering and leaving at 8-45 am and 3-20 pm will be a nightmare, not only for the drivers but also the residents.
    The car park on Gatley Hill is used at those times by Brookside playgroup, Allotment holders and users of Gatley Hill House.
    There is a busy Rd to cross at Bethany and whilst the idea of a ‘Human Train’ is a good one I can foresee it being a problem in actuality.
    Access by foot across the fields behind Gatley Hill is only really possible during the summer as from October to April it is extremely muddy. My further worry on this one is the possibility of a concrete path, followed by a road and eventually by more housing on these fields. ( The thin edge of the wedge! )
    Apart from the new classrooms , a larger hall and dining room will be necessary. There is hardly any room in the playground now. Where will an extra 180 pupils play.

    I too would like the figures on the current pupils at Gatley primary School.
    How many are from outside the catchment area?
    It seems ridiculous that children from Elm Rd etc cannot get in when there are children attending from Sharston and along Longley Lane to my knowledge.
    I agree that something needs to be done but I am not sure that the current proposals are the answer

    Why not take over the Tatton Site for one end of the school, either nursery and reception, or The upper years.
    This would have the added benefit of solving the problem of the Tatton. With some parking, ( chargeable outside of School times ) this would also be a resource for the village and the School.

  7. Carol Clarke says:

    The residents of North Downs East Downs and West Downs Road are very concerned about the proposed buildings on the Cheadle College site. It will add significantly to the already very congested traffic on Cheadle Road. It is almost impossible to turn onto tat road now, so goodness knows what it will be like when the schools are built. The proposal to use North Downs road for deliveries and teachers is ludicrous as it it a very narrow, small road.

    Residents will have to endure at least two years of building work with the main building being three stories high impacting on the privacy of the homes on West Downs Road.
    The proposal for the schools to be open from 7am -6pm with a sports centre open until 10.30pm is unfair on residents who want peace and quiet in their homes. Also the school opening times will impact on traffic at peak periods. There is an underused sports centre already at The Cheadle college, so why the need for another ?! Maybe Cheadle College could be used as a secondary school and the sixth form go to Kingsway school or Stockport college.

    Be fair to residents and these proposals will not only impact on their daily lives but may devalue their homes too.

  8. James says:

    looking to register a complaint about the above development before the cut off on 3/8/17.

    I’ve visited the planning page, and accessed the details of the development, but it won’t let me register due to a “server error”.

    Is there any other way to complain? A more paranoid person may think it’s quite convenient for the site to have issues, just before cut off date.

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