Councillors tackle fly-tipping at Tatton and High Grove

by Lib Dem team on 28 July, 2017

The Lib Dem team have had two significant fly-tipping incidents reported to us.

The first is near the allotments on Silverdale Road/St Ann’s Road North. A mattress and a pile of other rubbish was left there. We’ve been chasing up the council – we don’t feel it was dealt with quickly enough.

The second is by the Tatton cinema site, at the end of the path from Cambridge Road through to Gatley Road. The pile of builder’s rubbish completely blocked the path at one point.

We’ve done three things on that one. First, we made sure the council knew about it. They’ve since been out and checked it – as you can see from the environment crime stickers. It should be removed soon.  Second, we informed Dickens – the owner of the Tatton site – about it. Dickens aren’t directly responsible for the path, but they do sometimes get involved. Finally, Iain went to the site on Friday morning to take a look. The rubbish had been partially moved to clear space for people to walk through, but Iain made the gap wider so hopefully people with buggies can now get past safely.



2 Responses

  1. John whittaker says:

    Re fly tipping near the railway bridge on Foxland road. I reported the tipping of fence panel bases a few months ago to the council which to date have not been removed. The council did come to inspect and place a notice of environmental crime onto a panel but nothing else has been done to remove them.

    • David says:

      The rubbish around the railway bridge was reported more than 3 months ago. The council can send 3 men to empty 1 bin on Gatley Green and then hang about but can’t clear up rubbish elsewhere. We pay our Council Tax and the council are ineffective at managing the resource. Someone needs to get a grip and sort this nonsense out.

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