Council plan to tackle Gatley Green wrong-way drivers

by Lib Dem team on 10 April, 2018

Following numerous complaints, the Council has come up with a plan to make it harder for drivers to turn into Gatley Green and drive the wrong way along the road.

The plan is to have a build-out with a bollard on the end, narrowing the exit and making it harder to turn in. Parking bays would also be remarked by Tesco for safety.

We’d like to know what you think of this plan. It’s coming to Cheadle Area Committee next Tuesday. That won’t be the final approval (it will need consultation with residents) but it’s a step along the way.



15 Responses

  1. DR C says:

    Better still to pave over those three marked parking bays in front of Tesco.
    Perhaps more (five?) such bays could be marked out further along Church Road to the west of Tesco along the south side of the road ?

  2. John Haigh says:

    I believe this solution is standard practice where one-way systems are abused by mistake or deliberately. I have seen a good example in a road where I used to live in North Leeds. So I would commend it as a relatively cheap, well accepted and effective measure.

  3. Jane says:

    Great to see something is being done, but why not make it ‘impossible’ rather than ‘harder’ to turn down there. A strip across the opening with one-way spikes solves the problem permanently. Drive down it the wrong way & your car gets damaged. Simple! There will always be people who will flout the law. Don’t spend money making something more difficult, just stop them altogether. The double yellow lines outside the entrance of Tesco are another example. Haven’t made a jot of difference. Needs built out bollards/posts to stamp it out. Stop pussy footing around these people.

  4. Robert Cohen says:

    At least something is being done here. Who knows. Maybe one day the Council and Highways will get round to sorting out illegal drivers coming through the South Park Estate from the M60, Kingsway AND the Barnes estate…….

    • Iain Roberts says:

      If someone comes up with a viable way of doing it beyond policing, then absolutely Robert. A lot has been done on the South Park Road Estate over the last few years but we’ve not come up with a way to stop people that doesn’t also inconvenience residents.

  5. Jennifer says:

    Hear, hear. Jane has the right idea. Spikes would be simple and probably cheaper to implement.
    What about all the people turning right on to High Street in Cheadle from Massie Street. A constant hazard.

  6. John H says:

    Spikes on public roads – what a crazy idea. Consider the danger to pedestrians crossing the road and tripping over not only that but the thought of vehicles with punctured tyres
    out of control cause damage to property and endangering life.

    • John says:

      It seems to me that John H is one of the few sane people posting.Those spike strip comments aren’t at all helpful, and certainly are not funny.

      If cars are being driven in the wrong direction along Gatley Green then it seems to me the problem is 1) the signs and 2) the road layout, including making going the wrong way really stand out as not an option.

      I would just like to add, in all my 20+ years here, i have never seen a vehicle going the wrong way along Gatley Green. It would be a really hard thing to do, wouldn’t it? Almost no one drives into those 3 slots in front of Tesco facing towards Gatley Green. If you were coming down Church Rd from the Tatton would you really make a severe swerve left towards the now-closed bakers and then … swerve even harder left into Gatley Green? I think not. It just makes me wonder what the “numerous complaints” really amount to. And why it’s on the council agenda at all.

      • Jane says:

        The problem is the traffic during rush hour coming from Styal Road onto Church Road. It’s standing, queuing traffic and it can take an awful long time to get from the Church Road Tesco to the junction at the Horse & Farrier. Everyone’s trying to get to Kingsway. People use the side roads on the right as a cut through which brings them out at the station junction at Gatley Road towards Kingsway. Impatient people at the back of the queue are the ones going down the one-way street, often at speed.

        • John says:

          Jane. Thank you for that. I had no idea that drivers do that at rush hour times. Can local people become local traffic wardens?, and then police the entrance to Gatley Green.
          David J thanks for your reply too.

  7. Arthur says:

    How about folding bollards that only fold one way. That would stop it and people coming the right way down the road have to go slow anyway. Bollards would make it safer for people crossing.

    • Jennifer says:

      That sounds like a good idea, Arthur. Unfortunately I don’t think it would ever happen, like all the proposals put forward.

  8. David Johnson says:

    Why not traffic cameras set to be activated by wrong way drivers and ensuring quick fine demands. That may need reinstating police force back office staff sacked by past governments. That would also support catching the regular law breakers on our local residential roads where speed limits mean nothing to many.

  9. David J says:

    John. You need to speak to people who live on Gatley Green about drivers going the wrong way.

    Apparently this happens on a regular basis many times each week.

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