More pavement resurfacing for Cheadle & Gatley from Lib Dem £100m

by Lib Dem team on 2 November, 2018

The work to resurface pavements as part of the Lib Dem £100m investment in repairing bad roads and pavements continues.

Pavements on the following roads will be resurfaced with bitmac between 5 November 2018 and March 2019, weather permitting.

Alder Road, Appleby Road, Arnside Close, Aysgarth Ave, Buttermere Road, Cartmel Close, Chadvil Road, Charnville Road, Clifton Drive, Connor Way, Cranston Grove, Crescent Road, Cringle Drive, Crummock Road, Ernest Street, Gainford Ave, Grasmere Road, Hall Street, Halstead Grove, Hazel Ave, High Crest Ave, Holly Ave, Ingleton Close, Langdale Close, Loweswater Road, Marrick Ave, Millom Place, Milton Crescent, Ogden Grove, Rydal Close, St Ann’s Road North, Troutbeck Road, Turnfield Road.


33 Responses

  1. Bruce says:

    Sorry Iain what you state cannot be right. It cannot be a Libdem scheme because we have a Tory government and a Labour council and one of those two is financing it – not your party.

    • David says:

      Iain thrives and trying to take credit for anything done by another party. Until it goes wrong of course, then he had nothing at all to do with it. Same old rubbish.

      • Iain Roberts says:

        Hi David, Bruce- the £100m scheme is a Lib Dem one – kicked off in 2014 by me at Full Council after months of planning and investigation. The money has not come from the government.

        This was my scheme so damn right I’ll take some credit!

    • J says:

      I agree with you Bruce. They’re always there trying to claim the credit, it seems to me. I used to support them locally but not nowadays. A pity, they used to seem to recognise communities like us in Gatley.

  2. Phil says:

    Wait for the spin Bruce.

  3. Robert Cohen says:

    Re-surfacing: is the method by which a smear of black paint is spread over the old surface as quickly as possible? If so, I don’t believe it will last long. It was done on the South Park estate a few months back. The clowns actually coated over the vegetation that was lying over the pavement!

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Robert – I think this is a fuller resurfacing, used for pavements more seriously damaged. All resurfacing should be done to a high standard though: where that doesn’t happen and people let us know, we’ll always follow it up with the council.

  4. Please do something to make the bumps on St Anne’s road a bit easier to drive over, many of them are cracked making driving very unpleasant many thanks have posted before but feel been ignored

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Louise – have you spoken to the Heald Green councillors? Nearly all the St Ann’s speed humps are in Heald Green ward, not Cheadle and Gatley so they may be able to help.

  5. Alan says:

    Looking at the markings I assume some kerb work is also being done in Milton. That being the case can we also have the mooted double yellows as well before the weight of cars parking on the pavement undoes all the good work?

  6. Harry Bull says:

    Where has the £100,000,000 come from Iain?
    Can we also see a detailed report of where and how it’s being spent?

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Harry,

      Since I announced the scheme there have been regular reports to council on where the money is coming from and how its being spent. They’re all on the council website and we’ve linked to them here from time to time.

      The quick answer is that the money comes from a mixture of council reserves and borrowing, and is costed on the basis that by cutting the number of reactive repairs and insurance claims against the council, it won’t cost any more over time than just carrying on patching would have been.

      It’s been spent on repairing the worst roads and pavements across Stockport in a 9 year programme that we’re roughly half way through. The result so far is that, while most other areas have seen road conditions get worse, Stockport’s roads and pavements are improving. We’ve also seen a big drop in insurance claims against the council for injuries/damage on roads and pavements.

  7. Milton Crescent resident says:

    We ha the black slurry poured over the pavement as per previous comments… Now got pretty blue spray on arrows where they are clearly looking to dig it up for unknown works… madness. Money well spent… how’s the fly-over or large roundabout meetings doing for the the Kingsway junction with Gatley Road… ?

  8. John says:

    Is this just the pavements, or are the roads being done as well? Are we to lose our original paving slab pavements, even though we are in a conservation area?

    • Iain Roberts says:

      HI John,

      The roads are being done as well, but not at the same time (that really would be chaos!)

      On the paving, which streets are you referring to. Generally speaking the village centres are staying paved and the residential pavements are tarmac, but there may be exceptions.

      • John Allwork says:

        Hi Iain
        (I can’t seem to reply to your comment above).
        I’m concerned about the pavements on Hall Street, Ernest Street, Crescent Road and the side ‘streets’ Hall Grove and Crescent Grove.
        Where bitmac has been used before, the tree roots have just pushed their way through it.

        I guess we’ll have to keep waiting for the roads to be done.


        • Iain Roberts says:

          Hi John – we’ll need to monitor the work done on pavements. It’s mostly been fine, but we have seen some cases where it needs to be revisited.

          The roads across Cheadle and Gatley will be done during the programme.

  9. David Johnson says:

    Whichever body initiates spending on social needs it is not them who pay it is us. Yes more does need to be spent on society and its needs but even more than now currently needs to be recovered from tax havens and from overseas business owners. If they profit from UK Companies their gains ought to be spent in the UK!

  10. Roy says:

    Iain I was pleased to see in a earlier posting that you are taking Credit for this pavement resurfacing, are You Taking Responsibility for Second Rate Resurfacing of the pavements of Brocklyn Road which now has undulations in the pavements which fill with water and in the odd area where the contractors have managed to lay a level surface there is now Grass Growing through it. Prior to Your Surfacing Scheme the Pavements Were Level And Puddle Free.
    This rubbish job was reported to the Council over 2 weeks ago But True To Form No Remeadial repairs / restitution has taken place. Despite This You Are Giving The Contractor More Pavements To Damage and No Doubt Paying Them. Handsome Sum .
    Also You Also Claimed Credit For Repairs to The Pavements on and Around Cheadle High Street BUT The Repairs HAVE NOT BEEN DONE.
    Iain if you can get new jobs started why can’t you get poor work rectified???

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Roy,

      I kicked off the £100m repair programme, and have been reporting on it ever since. A constant issue with any works is the quality of that work. Happy to take responsibility for anything that was done under my watch in 2014-15. Since then, as you know, I have been working as a local councillor to get repairs done. We have often achieved this (yes, there have been repairs done on the High Street, and in other areas such as Northenden Road).

  11. Bryan Neill says:

    Still nothing on Springfield Rd, where the pavements are awful. ????

  12. Roy says:

    You are a Great Politician “Responding To My Question Without Answering It”
    I repeat when will the repairs Urgently Needed on the Pavements on and Around Cheadle High Street BE STARTED.
    When will the contractor Return to Brooklyn Road to Rectify Their Shoddy Work?????????

  13. Iain Roberts says:

    Hi Roy,

    Repairs around Cheadle High Street have been done. There’s still ongoing maintenance, but I walked it with you, and then I walked it after the repairs and I could see that a good deal had been done. It’s just not true to claim that there have been no repairs.

    Since your comment above was the first time anyone has raised the repairs on Brooklyn with me, and since you’ve not given me details of the problem yet, I have not raised with the council. I’ll be happy to do that if you can let me have a bit more information about the problem.

  14. Roy says:

    Hi Iain
    Thank you for responding to my posting, the problem on Brooklyn Road was reported to the Council who sent a Council Trip Officer out to look at poorly laid pavement she took pictures but as is the norm no rectification has taken place.
    Also you need to walk the pavements on and around the High Street they have Certainly Not Been Rectified.
    I know you have been personally trying to sort this for a number of years to no avail.
    But can you answer me one question “Why Are Contractors Never Forced To Return And Rectifie Defective Work??

  15. Iain Roberts says:

    Hi Roy – I can only say again that contractors do – at least sometimes – come back and rectify defective work. It happened on the High Street back in Feb & March (I’m sorry you don’t believe it, but it did happen and I remember letting you know not long after).

    It has also happened in other cases, such as Northenden Road.

    That’s not to say everything is perfect, or that new issues haven’t come up in the meantime.

    • John A says:

      There is obviously a great deal of dissatisfaction with the results of this temporary cheap fix to pavement surfacing. On our road we have elephant marks in pavements, where delivery vans churn up the surface, surface breaking up and grit found in houses. This process should stop immediately to find a better solution to one that is obviously substandard

  16. Steve Whitaker says:

    I’m probably too late in posting this to expect any response, but here goes.
    I am fascinated by the exchange of messages with Roy who seems to share my dissatisfaction with the repairs of the paving stones on the footpaths in and around Cheadle.
    The contractor, George Cox, took a huge amount of time when the current paving stones were laid and I had hoped this would ensure a quality job that would last for many years. Not so. Many paving slabs soon became loose so that they rattle when stepped on, but worse on a wet day when a jet of filthy water sprays your foot and lower leg.
    Then I noticed that the contractor had started rectification work, but ceased when the village centre had been completed.
    So, local people who responsibly walk into the village have to learn which slabs to walk on to avoid getting drenched.
    Your answers mean nothing to me as I now know it’s all talk with no substance. Can you offer any promises that this situation might change in the near future?

  17. Lee says:

    And who exactly decided on the streets that were to be subject of the resurfacing programme. I’ve been banging the drum about the road and footpath surfaces on Beech Avenue in Gatley for years. One of the most used side streets in the area owing to the sports facility, notwithstanding dog walkers etc. Who do I need to know to even be considered for this road to be converted from a patch work quilt into a decent Street.
    Yes I do live on this Road!

  18. lee says:

    Any chance of a reply this time?

    And who exactly decided on the streets that were to be subject of the resurfacing programme. I’ve been banging the drum about the road and footpath surfaces on Beech Avenue in Gatley for years. One of the most used side streets in the area owing to the sports facility, notwithstanding dog walkers etc. Who do I need to know to even be considered for this road to be converted from a patch work quilt into a decent Street.
    Yes I do live on this Road!

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Lee – the streets being done are decided by Council officers. There was a full survey of all the roads, looking at both the surface condition and the substructure and the roads/pavements that scored worst are being done.

      • lee says:

        Is anyone going to take up my off to discuss the matter or like when you were canvasing will you pay a little lip service and leave me hanging.

  19. Lee says:

    Then I genuinely believe that nobody took a look at Beech Avenue! I invite one of the council members to contact me so that we might be able to discuss the matter. I did give my details to either Graham or Keith when they were last canvasing for election votes, so that I could speak at length regards matters of concern, however I never got a call.

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