Gatley playground improved and open

by Lib Dem team on 14 March, 2020

Although the work was delayed – perhaps unsurprising given the months of storms – the playground at Gatley Rec is now open with new play equipment installed. The equipment includes some specially designed for children with disabilities.

Some landscaping work is still to be completed.

“In recent years the Lib Dem team have pushed for improvements to Gatley Rec and we’ve secured new paths, the complete redevelopment of the tennis courts and now an improved playground with new equipment. There’s always more to do, but we’re very pleased to see how this – and the other parks and playgrounds across Cheadle and Gatley – are being improved over time,” said Cllr Iain Roberts.


6 Responses

  1. John H says:

    Here’s hoping the facilities are enjoyed by those they are intended for and respected by all.

  2. Bruce says:

    Took my grandchildren there the other day . Granddaughter found it great- especially the carousel. Grandson though was more interested in the mound of soli and spent of his time digging it with a stick.

  3. Lois Evans says:

    I hope the vandals will leave this alone for the children – they have consistently spoilt similar equipment in Scholes Park

  4. SR says:

    Thank you so much to everybody involved. The whole package of improvement is absolutely brilliant. I know some little people and many I don’t know will enjoy this playground immensely.

  5. Christian Jones says:

    Took the kids on Saturday and they loved it! Great to see it so busy, even though it was raining.

  6. T says:

    Fabulous….takes me back to my childhood days in gatley yrs ago, looks amazing,

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