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Maps of Cheadle and Gatley road accidents

by Lib Dem team on 26 June, 2020

A lot of residents have contacted us about different local roads which are dangerous or where there’s lots of speeding. We’re working to look at these and are raising them with council officers.

We thought it might be useful to look at the official accident statistics, because the council and police will normally focus resources on the roads where there have been the most accidents (which seems pretty sensible).

These are the TfGM statistics showing accidents for the five years from 2015 to 2019. They are overall statistics – all vehicles, all times of day, all types of weather and showing slight, serious and fatal accidents.

We’re happy to dig into the data on request and get a more detailed picture for an area, but please bear in mind that we’ve not compiled these statistics so don’t blame the messenger if you believe they are wrong!


16 Responses

  1. Angie says:

    This is a good exercise. There is a small stretch on wilmslow/Cheadle road between schools hill and the road (not sure what it’s called) where you would turn left for the village hotel and swimming baths. It’s got a couple of bends on the main road with no warning to slow down. I do see cars travelling over speed limit but not necessarily always ‘speeders’ who realise too late they can’t negotiate the bend in the road.
    It does need ‘slow dow’ signs alerting to bend in road. Also maybe more cameras they do the trick and you get revenue. Thanks

  2. Main thing is the rate of incidents is steadily climbing, and i keep going on about Grasmere Road Lakes Estate rat run now from Finney Lane down St Anns, then either down Silverdale or left down Grasmere. I can pick the cars out and time who speed every day. I am toying with Painting a giant 20mph on road out side my house.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      There’s a worrying increase in minor accidents. We need to either block off rat-runs completely (though that won’t be the right solution in every case) or change the layout of roads with narrowing, chicanes or speed humps to slow traffic down. The reality is that 20mph zones and signs only go so far.

      • Peter says:

        Why not make Torkington road a one way to stop all the cars that use it as part of the rat run . This would make it harder for them and safer for that road plus would stop all the cars that pull out blocking Gatley road making it slower to get out of gatley

  3. David says:

    I think using accident data completely misses the point. The issue is that there are 30mph roads in residential areas where cars routinely travel at 60/70mph with complete disregard for existing traffic calming measures such as road markings and vehicles activated signs etc. The accident data shows that there are lots of slight accidents clustered around junctions, which is not surprising. The risk of serious/fatal accidents and the impact on residents’ quality of life on a road such as Style Road is far greater than lots of little bumps in slow moving traffic. Data is fine for targeting resources when you have nothing else to go on, but when you consistently have many residents telling you that there is a problem this should take precedence.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi David – we couldn’t agree more. This data is useful and interesting, but I hope you’ll have seen that we’ve long worked to slow down traffic on residential streets and will continue to do so. The reality – as you say – is that slowing down traffic means physical changes to roads, speed humps, narrowing or chicanes, for example – or blocking off rat runs altogether. That’s why we’re currently asking the council to put in temporary measures in some key locations so we can see how they work.

  4. Mr David H Shonfield says:

    Very interesting data, and in simple terms it highlights the roads that statistically have the greatest risk and number of accidents. If there are finite resources avaliable to implement changes to reduce the risk and number of accidents, then surely these resouces should initially be targeted where the risk is greatest.

  5. David T says:

    The data map indicates clusters of accidents where traffic flows are actually slowed by density of traffic, Cheadle High St and Church Road in Gatley. These are not rat runs and are roads with slower moving vehicles. These points also happen to have higher levels of pedestrian traffic because of the shops. Parked cars might be relevant in the Gatley data.

  6. Karen Sandler says:

    The roundabout at John Lewis is becoming a major danger. I have been involved in an accident there; I have seen accidents there and they are only going to get worse. There was one there today. It is a stupidly badly designed roundabout, and most drivers have no lane sense, do not indicate, and go far too fast.

  7. JB says:

    While this is a good idea, it is not complete by any means. There have been several accidents on Styal Rd which are not shown on the map. I know because I have seen the wreckage and gaps in the hedges where they have happened!

    The recent resurfacing and application of more SLOW signs painted on the road in advance of junctions may be a help but we still need double white lines down the centre of the road all the way from Heald Green to Gatley. This would greatly help local residents accessing and leaving the Groves without unduly slowing down through traffic.

  8. Peter says:

    The figures seem to show, that the vast majority of serious and fatal accidents, involve single occupant vehicles. Anyone have any theories on why?

  9. Peter Rowley says:

    Hi Iain,
    If you are raising the issues with the council they are ignoring you and your colleagues. I have raised the speeding issues on Gatley Road on several occasions but no response/action from either you, your colleagues or the council.
    The level of speeding is totally unacceptable but the additional noise and pollution is never raised.
    In addition there is clearly an increase in the number of motorbikes a lot of them with L plates on them with what sounds like a hole in their exhaust but presumably their owners revel in the ridiculous level of noise they make.
    Please can we have less talk and more action from the Lib Dems?

    • John H says:

      You’ll get more action from Lib Dems than any other party in the Cheadle area.
      Prove me wrong and post the actions from other party’s

  10. Ian S says:

    The recent resurfacing of Styal Road and new road marking should improve safety. Unfortunately some motorists see it as an opportunity to drive even faster than before.
    We should not have to wait for a serious accident.

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