Next week’s Cheadle Area Committee will be held at Stockport Town Hall to allow social distancing. It will start at 6pm on Tuesday 3 August 2021 and will be webcast.
Here’s what’s on the agenda:
- Funding applications from community groups:
- Cheadle Sports Club – Bowls section seeking £989 towards improved facilities
- Friends of Hall Street Green seeking £220 towards first aid training
- Deckchair Care Ltd seeking £1000 towards a non-profit making Welcome Cafe
- East Cheshire Musical Theatre Company seeking £1000 towards a production of Sister Act
- Stockport Neighbourhood Watch Association seeking £1050 towards a new website
- Planning application 78430: demolition of outbuildings at funeral directors, 1-3 Brook Street, and erection of a new four-bedroom house
- Planning application 79925: single-storey rear extension and granny annexe outbuilding at 3 Yew Tree Grove, Gatley
- Update on the Cheadle Towns Fund (the money for the Cheadle Station) requested by the Lib Dem councillors
- Nomination of Newboult Road Allotments to be an Asset of Community Value
- Proposal for additional seating at Carrs Road Park and Micker Brook at a cost of £2,250
- Request from Cheadle Royal Rotary Club for £1,200 towards cleaning Cheadle War Memorial
- Discussion of M60 slip road issues – long-growing grass and faded Keep Clear markings at the junction with South Park Road. This is on the agenda at the request of the Lib Dem team. Highways England have said they will cut the grass and repaint the Keep Clear markings on 1st August but we want to press for a permanent solution.
Whats happening regarding the sewage leakage at the Micker Brook, Red Rock and other waterways in the area? Has the clean up started, have the culprits been identified etc?
NO SHOW TODAY – 1ST AUGUST – of ‘KEEP CLEAR’ boxes being re-painted on the slip road as promised. Please chase them up, it is becoming more and more difficult/dangerous to cross the slip road to get into the left hand lane for Cheadle in particular.
I agree with the above comment about it is more difficult/dangerous to cross the slip road getting out of South Park. Since the introduction of those lights at the end of the slip road cars speed up not slow down to get through the lights and change lanes at the last minute when you are trying to come off the estate!
Keep Clear markings redone. And motorists respecting it once again, letting South Park dirvers out without any fuss (as of this morning).
Grass cut as well. Please keeping pressing for a permanent solution. It seems daft of them not to throw a bit of concrete down solving the problem once and for all, rather than have the costs of annual grass cutting.