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Keith calls for more action on verge destruction

by Lib Dem team on 20 February, 2021

Cllr Keith Holloway is calling for more to be done to stop grass verges from being turned to mud by heavy vehicles. Broadway and Cheadle Road have seen issues recently, often around building works.

“Verges are not for parking on,” said Keith. “Occasionally, building works might use a verge, but it should be fully restored by the builder when the work is done.”

“The Council seems powerless to protect our verges and we don’t think that’s acceptable. We’re working to get to the bottom of the problem: whether the council needs more powers from government, or whether it has the powers and just isn’t using them effectively.”


21 Responses

  1. John H says:

    Pavement parking is a bigger problem.

    • christopher Rankin says:

      Most side roads are not built for the amount of vehicles on them hence why people park on the grass or park on the pavement. The road I live on is the prime example only room for parking on one side of the road so if anymore vehicles need to park they park on the grass or the pavement. Plenty of grass verges that if taken away for parking would not be missed.

  2. LB says:

    Agree – Broadway has looked a mess recently. Think we saw a council officer there in late 2020, having a stern word with building contractors (and the owners of the properties being developed).

    On wide roads, bollards should help – think some are planned as part of the A34 corridor improvements?

    On our road nearby, we’ve also had a problem with building contractors damaging trees with bad parking and unloading (especially newly planted ones).

  3. ian says:

    Lib Dem councillors its your job to report this to your highways team who can take action through the planning conditions.
    In Manchester the Highways team and traffic officers have really upped their game on this matter and perhaps you at Stockport should follow suit.?

  4. Arthur says:

    As one of the residents having work done on Broadway I completely agree the verges should be kept free from parking.
    The problem is how do I stop it from happening?
    I tell the builder it’s not to happen but he’s not there all the time and can’t control big waggon deliveries from merchants. It only takes one big vehicle to completely destroy the verge.
    He also points to residents and their visitors parking, along with Amazon type home delivery
    There definitely needs to be a better system in place to discourage parking on the verges, not just for builders and probably something physical to restrict it happening.

  5. Peter Rowley says:

    Question: I am more than willing to report damage to verges via the Stockport council website but will the council react and do something about the problem?

    The council website states:

    It is an offence under the Highways Act to cause damage to highway verges (or other parts of the highway).

    Given the council (sorry, but councillors as well) do little to stop ongoing illegal and dangerous parking by the used car dealer close to Cheadle Green on Manchester Road will the same apply when damage to verges are reported?

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Peter – the challenge with the used car dealer (which has been very frustrating) is that the land parked on isn’t adopted highway, so he’s not normally breaking the law. With the verges, as with a lot of these things, I think the problem is proving the damage was done by a particular vehicle and then enforcing it. We wish it was easy!

  6. Janet Holmes says:

    I too noted the Broadway damage to verges, also a skip parked on the road. I think there are conditions attached?
    Who enforces……who cares? Why bother to report?

  7. David T says:

    Agree with Ian, our councillors need to more vigorous, the law/regulations are quite clear.
    I know that some developers/builders have acted resposibly and restored grass verges after building work has been completed.
    In several respects, other issues, our previously alert and conscientious LibDem councillors, now need to move up a gear.
    May elections are looming!!

  8. JB says:

    I think the largest lorries – 10 and 12 wheelers should be restricted to mo torways and dual carriage-way, A roads and banned from B roads altogether.

  9. Paula says:

    I reported the damage on Cheadle Road to Iain last week. Three separate verges have been turned into mudbaths plus large pieces of building materials just left there. It is not good enough for Keith to say he has no powers to do anything about it. the owners of the properties involved should be sent a bill for the cost of reinstatement. In future make it a condition of getting planning consent that any such damage be reinstated.

  10. Carole says:

    When I asked many years ago if I could have rocks put on the grass verge outside my house I was told it was against the law. My road is very narrow and people tend to park on the grass which gets churned up and becomes a mud bath. Broadway is a disgrace but I notice that some houses at the Kingsway end have put rocks on the grass verge. The grass verges don’t get mowed enough in the Summer so do away with them

  11. Make it a condition of planning that any damage to public space has to be reinstated. Another option is to take photos of the public space outside the property where the building works are being carried out before works commence and include as a condition of contract between property owner and builder that final payment will be subject to reinstatement.

  12. Phillip Gould-Bourn says:

    Is it not possible to make a condition of granting planning permission, that any damage should be made good at the expense of the house owner? The owner can’t say ‘it’s not my fault’, as without the building work, there would be no damage. I don’t see why the rest of us should pay.

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