Two steps to save the NHS – video

by Lib Dem Team on 22 September, 2016

In this short video, Iain talks about two steps to save our NHS.



5 Responses

  1. Bryan Hamilton says:

    Refreshing to hear a politician say, in effect, if we want better services we must be prepared to pay for them

    • Halifaix says:

      Not really, this is what most politicians do when they are not in power.

      It is when they get into power they realise that:

      a) there is no money

      b) most people think it is someone else’s taxes that should increase to pay for the funding – witness the LibDems mad idea of a Mansion Tax (I guess many people think it’s a good idea as it won’t effect them)

      I personally pay enough tax, I am one of those misguided fools who has tried to work hard all their life, and whilst by no means rich, I, nor my family qualify for any state support

      I am neither too rich that it doesn’t matter, not too poor to claim help from the state

      I pay for all by own dental care, eye care, prescriptions. My grown up children, get no support for University because I earn too much !!!!! .

  2. Adrian says:

    Sensible on both points Ian and constructive stuff from lib dems.

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