Thank you for South Park Road Estate litter pick

by Lib Dem Team on 10 January, 2017

spre-litter-pick-jan17Thank you to residents who helped Graham, Keith, Iain and Lib Dem campaigner Claire Halliwell with our litter pick on the South Park Road Estate on Sunday. Ten bags filled with rubbish!


3 Responses

  1. Karen Sandler says:

    You did a magnificent job last Sunday. Unfortunately, some motorists, who are no doubt illegally cutting through the estate, seem to think it is great place to throw their litter out of the car. There is already more litter thrown on the kerbs and edges. Do people do this in their own houses? I guess they do!

    • Stephen Wilkinson says:

      The problems on the South Park Estate will never be cured until we can get the illegal cut through traffic stopped. The situation will only get worse thanks to the Barnes Estate sales team telling prospective customers that they can get to Manchester by cutting though our estate. I think that until there is ‘loss of life’ caused by an illegal cut through nobody is going to do anything about our situation. You may think that this is a strange thing to say but I got this response directly from a police road traffic inspector. Perhaps it is time that we formed a ‘residents action group’ and see where that takes us. Also, perhaps involve the press and see what happens. Has anybody got any other ideas to share with us?

      • Lib Dem Team says:

        We’re always happy to hear ideas from residents to solve the issue. We’ve been working on this for years, but not found a solution that does the job and that residents support.

        The ones we’ve come up with include:
        – blocking off that entrance to the estate (would stop cut-through but inconvenience residents too).
        – putting in some sort of camera system to catch people (we don’t know if this would work, but we’ve asked council officers to look into it).
        – speed humps to discourage rat-runners (residents didn’t want them)
        – increased police presence (the police have done a number of swoops, but are limited by manpower)
        – having an alternative route that’s better for anyone wanting to get onto the A34 northbound, and so removes the desire to cut through. (we think this is the best solution, but it’s also the most expensive and will take a long time to implement – but we have asked for it to be included in some current work being done).

        Anyone with other ideas, please let us know!

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