Have your say on Stockport’s future – jobs and town and district centres

by Lib Dem team on 15 August, 2017

The Lib Dem team want you to have your say on how we provide jobs and what our town, district and local centres will look like over the next twenty years.

Stockport Council is drawing up its Local Plan. There are five different topics and we’ll be looking at one each week. The Lib Dems on Stockport Council will be putting our submission in and we want to include your views. Of course, you can also have your say directly.

The questions the Council wants to answer on jobs, town, district and local centres are:

  1. What type of town centre do you want to see in Stockport?
  2. What mix of shops and services would you like to see in your district and local centres
  3. What type of jobs should there be in Stockport, where should they be and what should happen to the existing areas where people work?
  4. Do you have any other comments about jobs, shops and services in Stockport?

To help, we’ve included the Council briefing on jobs, town and district centres. It’s 8 pages long and worth a quick read before you give your answers.

Portrait of the Cheadle Area

Over the next few weeks Stockport Council is consulting on its Local Plan. This is the first of three sets of consultations on the plan, and it’s important. It will shape our borough for the next twenty years: what our town and village centres look like, what jobs we have, where people live, our health, parks, green spaces and more.

You can read all the documents and have your say on any part of it here.



4 Responses

  1. Henderson says:

    I wanted to leave a comment on the Stockport Plan, but it’s FAR too complicated to log and go through the registration hoops to do this, is this deliberate?

    • Iain Roberts says:

      The Lib Dems haven’t been involved in setting up the response system – I recall we complained that the system used for GMSF replies online was too complicated and we were hoping lessons would be learned. We’ll check it out.

  2. Harry Bull says:

    Why bother asking for ideas re Stockport town centre when the architectural monstrosity is almost finished?

  3. David Johnson says:

    Experiences that happen youngest are those that go deepest – even in the womb that we do not consciously remember. Society is removing access to those most important and basic lessons by closing access to green spaces with room for child to child contact and playing and to the life forms that live there. Society is replacing those lessons with pictures & sound on an oblong of plastic moulded most often by those steering future generations towards their own goals.
    Most of all I want this process to reverse!

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