Lib Dems respond to Stockport Local Plan consultation

by Lib Dem team on 14 October, 2017

The Lib Dems have submitted our response to the first stage of Stockport’s Local Plan consultation.

“We are calling for a phased approach to house-building, with brownfield sites built on first. Green Belt should not be released unless it is needed at a later date – and we believe it may never be,” said Cllr Iain Roberts.

“People always talk about the need for infrastructure to be in place for new homes, but it doesn’t always happen. I have made clear that I would not be able to vote for any Local Plan that did not include a proper solution to the traffic problems on Gatley Road, the A34 and the Gatley lights,” Iain added.

You can see the Lib Dem response here.

This is the first of three consultations on the Local Plan. The next stage is for the Council to work up the details of what is being proposed where. That means that we’ll be seeing specific proposals for where homes should be built, along with all the other parts of the plan.



5 Responses

  1. Kevin says:

    As a start on Brownfield sites, what about the old mill on Stockport road heading from Cheadle into Stockport. Plenty of scope for redevelopment.

  2. Arthur says:

    Also how about getting the empty office blocks converted to apartments in the centre of Stockport.

  3. Alan says:

    Agree there are any number of empty buildings in Stockport which could be converted to housing and commercial use – which makes the building of Red Rocks such a misguided development.

  4. Bruce says:

    Iain – you say you would not vote for any Local Plan that did not include a proper solution to the traffic problems on Gatley Road and the A34.

    You approved 150 homes on the Barnes redevelopment but I haven’t noticed any improvements/changes to the layout of the infamous junction.

    Also who knows how the new airport relief road will affect the traffic. New roads generate new journeys.

  5. JB says:

    The railway line through Cheadle does not go to Manchester Airport. Presumably you meant to say the line to Altrincham. In our patch, re-opening Cheadle and Gatley/Northenden stations should be progressed urgently. Of course, other stations on the line should be considered for re-opening as soon as possible, presumably within Manchester or Trafford’s areas.

    Extending the Metrolink line from Didsbury to Stockport would be useful but tram/train through Cheadle station would be a retrograde step, yield no benefit but a huge expense. Restoring train services from Stockport to Stalybridge (inc. local stops) would provide the ‘orbital’ service occasionally mentioned and maybe Arriva Northern could be persuaded to schedule alternate services from Chester along this existing route.

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