No mention of theft, burglary or traffic offences in Burnham policing plan

by Lib Dem team on 6 January, 2018

Greater Manchester’s Labour Mayor, Andy Burnham, is running a consultation on his plan for policing and the Lib Dem team are urging people take the survey.

“It is worrying that, in the 33 pages of this document, Andy Burnham’s policing plan does not once mention burglary, theft from motor vehicles or enforcement of traffic offences, despite these being issues that are raised with us day after day, week after week,” said Cllr Iain Roberts. “There is also no mention of Police on the beat in our communities.”

“Mayor Burnham is proposing to raise council tax to counter Conservative police cuts, so it’s important the concerns of taxpayers are listened to,” Iain added.

You can read the draft plan and take the survey here. The survey closes at midnight on Sunday 14th January 2018.


4 Responses

  1. Roy says:

    Having just returned from Madrid , and witness rubbish bins emptied daily and lots of Policemen visiable at all hours of the day, I think we should ignore Questioning Andy Burnham and instead simply ask Madrid how they manage to provide these services to their residents.
    I also suspect that the residents and visitors to Madrid receive these extra services disputes paying less Local Tax.

  2. DR C says:

    You want Burnham to do something?
    Set a bandwagon rolling! ?

  3. Jennifer says:

    Walking round Cheadle ( not just the High St.) on a regular basis, the amount of litter is appalling. How about some notices on lamp posts informing the public that it is an offence to drop litter, punishable by a fine? It might encourage a few people to use the litter bins.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Good idea Jennifer. I think there is an anti-littering campaign coming (using material from the Keep Britain Tidy campaign) – we’ll have to see how it works.

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