Iain asks Labour not to close down Abney Cafe

by Lib Dem team on 16 February, 2018

Stockport council has given the Abney Cafe a last-minute reprieve after Cllr Iain Roberts, working with the Peacocks who run the cafe, asked for an extra week to sort out issues around the lease agreement.

Labour had decided to evict the Peacocks and the Council had issued the notice for them to leave.

The well-known cafe, run by Kate and Stephen Peacock in Abney Hall Park, has boosted the number of park users, provided toilet facilities and sensibly-priced food and drinks. The Peacocks have also organised events like the annual Easter Egg Hunt and the dog show.

“The council says there have been issues agreeing a lease on the cafe over the last few months, and so the council has decided to evict the Peacocks and close down the cafe. The Peacocks have agreed on the terms of the lease and just need another week to provide all the paperwork. I have asked the council to give them that time,” said Iain.

The original version of the story was written before the news of the reprieve, so has been updated. 

Although Councillor Bailey, as Cabinet member with responsibility for parks, was briefed on this issue, I now understand that she was not the cabinet member making the decision on the Abney Cafe. That was Cllr David Sedgwick. I also understand that Cllr Bailey has received some communications which went beyond legitimate campaigning and were abusive. I do not believe that is ever acceptable and would ask all residents to treat others politely.


9 Responses

  1. Sarah Parkin says:

    Give these people the time to save their business. For the many not the few. Bureaucracy gone stupid.

  2. Morag Ashworth says:

    Be crazy to shut this cafe down – the council need to assist them to get the lease issues sorted not try a close down a business that is good for the community. Another example of pointless bureaucracy – spending good money on stupid issues

  3. Bruce says:

    Of course I have no idea what the issues are regarding the lease but I would prefer the café to remain open. Frequented it a few times and always liked it.

  4. Roy says:

    Strange that the Council comes down heavy on a “Small” well liked business as apposed to the softly softly treatment dished out to owners of Oddfellows When they comondered parts of Bruntwood Park to provide private parking for exclusive use of hotel guests.
    The Peacocks should be Supported be the Council not harrassed.

  5. Robert Cohen says:

    From what I’ve heard, the lease terms are, in my opinion, inappropriate for the this type of business. I do hope that they are getting appropriate advice from both experienced commercial Solicitors & Chartered Surveyors it’s out of my specialism, but I’d be happy to make a recommendation if necessary. Some commercial leases can be a nightmare!

  6. Sally says:

    This would be awful if this cafe is closed down , its great for Abney and great for dog walkers, it brings families to Abney . Please think again about closing it down

  7. Jean Hynd says:

    It would be awful if it closed
    It’s a great place for a drink and bacon butty when u go for a walk around the grounds

  8. Adrienne Conway says:

    It would be a real shame if the cafe was forced to close, particularly at a time when others are leaving the area or closing for financial reasons!

  9. David Johnson says:

    Although not a regular café patron I would be disgusted at its demise. Abney park is one of the few (relatively) quiet areas and much used green areas in Cheadle & Gatley. Walking through on Friday I noticed people measuring & note-taking on the main footpath. A lady dog walker told me that they were surveying to convert the path into a cycle route. This must not be allowed!!. I walk there regularly and have enough trouble dodging Pavement cyclists by the roadsides. We need to encourage walkers not deter them.

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