Consultation on Milton Crescent junction double yellow lines

by Lib Dem team on 20 February, 2018

The Lib Dem team have been working on parking issues on Milton Crescent for some time, trying to address safety concerns.

This proposal is the latest step – we’re hoping for more.

It puts double yellow lines at the junction with Gatley Road and along the run-in section towards Chadvil.

As with all these sorts of schemes, the double yellow lines move vehicles around so the people who would park there will probably now park somewhere else nearby. That’s why we always aim to put down these lines for safety and access reasons rather than simply to move a parking problem from one place to another.



21 Responses

  1. Arthur says:

    Shouldn5 something be done about the one way road by the Tesco store first?

  2. Ged says:

    This just moves the problem elsewhere…outside our house on Wensley Road

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Ged – yes, yellow lines tends to just move the problem around. That’s why we have adopted a strict rule to only put yellow lines down for safety reasons, not just because people want their road clear of parked cars.

  3. Jean Skitt says:

    Sorry to rant again but can you please look again at the problems of parking at the end of Old Hal’s td and Gatley rd, Friday was horrendous.. double parking with cars on pavement on Horse and Farrier side… a van trying to get down with traffic queuing on main road and traffic trying to drive up to main road… total chaos as I’ve asked before.. if double yellow lines were just put on Old Hall rd outside the kul sumah ie removing three cars, then the road would become normal width again allowing traffic flow …..

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Jean – yes, we’re looking at that. Because the Tatton planning application is approved, we’re hoping that changes linked to that development might improve the situation faster than we can via the usual legal process.

  4. Morag Ashworth says:

    Can we please have white lines to
    Mark driveways on Milton Cres like there are on other nearby roads. My biggest bug bear is when I cannot get out of my drive because someone has tried to edge their car onto the road and their rear end is sticking over my drive.

  5. Andrew Ashworth says:

    Agree with yellow lines at this junction, although it could be argued that there is more space here, where the road is wider, than at other points on Milton Crescent and on other local residential roads (a point highlighted by other comments on this thread).

    Considering the broader issue of Cheadle parking, this proposal really is just papering over the cracks. The Lib Dems need ro start addressing the full issue.

    We need more car parking in Cheadle, and the need to remove Cheadle parking from adjacent residential roads.

    Is appears that the Lib Dems missed a huge opportunity by not allocating the old Travis Perkins area to a new carpark. We have never had an answer as to why this has happened.

    I also suggested a half mile zone from Cheadle centre, for residents only parking. This would encourage public transport; would encourage more people to walk and cycle; and keep down traffic volumes on local residential roads. All these benefits fully enforce key Lib Dem policies.

    Is this a proposal that the Lib Dems could progress?

    • Lindy says:

      Andrew and Alan,
      Image the fun we’re going to have when/if they turn one end High Grove into a one-way?! It’s just moving the problem around. Traders are parking there all day as they can’t absorb the cost of the car parking fees. Understandable but if the council and lib dems really want to tackle this issue and also keep Cheadle a vibrant area for customers they need to find somewhere for traders only parking. That development near the drill hall- is it needed? Haven’t we heard over and over again that these sorts of places aren’t wanted? OAPs end up losing lots of money on properties they can’t shift.

      Anyway- I’m irritated beyond belief- we moved to Milton Crescent in 2010 and one of the things we loved was the road where only residents parked on the road. Having moved from West Didsbury where parking issues on the road (and people actually parking in front of my drive WHILE I WAS PARKED IN THE DRIVE) almost caused me to have a breakdown!

  6. Alan says:

    As with all these developments they then need to be policed and The transgressors booked. At times the bottom of Milton looks like a car crash with cars parked on the pavement obstructing vision (can these be booked as a matter of course?) many of those who park are too tight to pay for parking rather than the car parks are full. Some are traders I know, could they be given a discount for all day parking? IMO double yellows should go up one side of Milton to ensure wider vehicle access. Added to which many cars come down Milton well in excess of 20mph

    • Andrew Ashworth says:

      We have spoken about Policing Milton Crescent and the surrounding 20mph zone. I have never seen any policing, since the 20mph zone was introduced, and I often see car cruising at 50mph down Broadway.

      Another idea, for traders parking, is to to allocate an out of town car park and set up for park and ride. But you would still need to restrict parking on nearby roads. I disagree with your comment that a half mile restriction zone would move the problem on. I think that half a mile is enough to discourage people from parking, as half a mile is a fair walk to Cheadle centre. Also, at the very least it would distribute the problem and not cause such a bottle neck at the current one surrounding Milton Crescent.

      As I keep saying it also helps the Lib Dems to meet key objectives like reducing traffic on the road; encouraging use of public transport; and encouraging health and fitness activities such as walking and cycling.

      We will certainly apply for the white line to be repainted across our driveway and our neighbors gate, this may discourage the inconsiderate parking.

      • Andrew Ashworth says:

        Still no reply on this, very frustrating! Seems that you just bat back any ideas without coming up with any alternative suggestions.

        This issue need a solution, and one that takes everything into account :

        *Cheadle car parking
        *Parking congestion on nearby residential roads
        *Moving people to other forms of transport
        *Attracting shoppers to Cheadle

        Milton Crescent and surrounding roads never had problems with over crowded onroad parking – What had changed?

        Just to rub salt into the wound, a proposal from the flats opposite has just been published, which is a slight amendment to another recent proposal which was rejected.

        This proposal is based on thr selfish requirements of the flats residents (or some of the flats residents), to just sort the problem for them and sod everyone else! (HOPE THAT THEY READ THIS)

        No consideration to where their regular visitors park, including daily care workers and cleaners. This proposal will just exasperate the problem.

        Please respond to these post

        Best regards


        • Lib Dem Team says:

          Hi Andrew, Cheadle has definitely got busier and more people work in and around the village. As you say, it needs a solution that takes everything into account and no-one has yet been able to find one. We try to find the best solutions we can, and we’re open to ideas. If we can find something that works, then we do it.

          People should not be parking on junctions – it’s a safety issue and putting in double yellow lines simpy allows council traffic wardens to enforce what’s already in the highway code.

  7. Ruth says:

    Morag: I believe that one can apply to the Council for the painting of these Access Protection Markings – but you might have it pay for it. But thy can’t be legally enforced.

  8. Les says:

    The idea of having residential parking schemes where houses have driveways runs contrary to the Council’s well established policy. I really can’t see a problem with street parking provided it doesn’t prevent residents having access to their driveways and doesn’t cause obstructions to Council service vehicles.

  9. Ja net holmes says:

    Introduce all the lines you like, selfish uncaring drivers will continue to park unless there is some enforcement, which at present there is not. For instance, Massie St. Right Turn mentioned almost weekly and witnessed daily. Why was the loading bay at Fresh Cafe introduced at our expense….for at least six months it has been a waste of time….no plate so no enforcement. Need mention be made of pavement parking to the detriment of disabled folk and so it goes on….

  10. Sally says:

    How about restricting parking to 2 hours only between the hours of 9am to 5 pm . Making sure this is reinforced . This means residents who are entertaining have space for visitors cars in the evenings . I agree with people who say it is dangerous turning out of Milton onto Gatley road as the view is restricted because of bad parking .

  11. Lindy Garner says:

    this sounds like a FANTASTIC idea! All those cars who don’t want to pay the car park charges and have now started to park on Milton Crescent will now park FURTHER up Milton Crescent. I’m just giddy with excitement over the thought of the shenanigans I’ll be getting into when trying to park in my drive. It’s already a barrel of laughs when I have one car parked in front of my house and one across the street. I’ll go for the win when I get cars parked on either side of the drive AND across the street! Also, I can’t tell you how excited I am for the day when you make one end of High Grove Rd a one way forcing ALL THAT TRAFFIC onto Milton Crescent.

    Can I kindly suggest you make Milton a dead end? Once, High Grove, is a one-way cars will begin to turn down Milton/Chadvil or Chadvil Milton depending on what direction the one way will be.

  12. Morag Ashworth says:

    I am now further enraged that the proposal for double yellow lines to be placed in front of The Miltons and Westford Villa Flats.
    This has already been rejected once and is only going to exacerbate the existing parking problem.

    Please can you provide answers the following questions
    1. Why is it back on the agenda when it has already been rejected
    2. Where are the visitors to both of these multi tenanted dwellings park. I know there are a few of the apartments where carers visit on a regular basis for instance.
    2. What are the facts regarding obstruction that have lead to a proposal of a 24/7 parking restriction. How many hours out of a 24 hour period is there an issue
    3. Who is having an issue – Just the people in the flats or is it a wider audience
    4. Where are the people who work in Cheadle meant to park – what provisions are being looked at otherwise the issue is shunted further up the street or into other streets.
    5. What are the alternatives that have been suggested that offer more flexibility especially for residents

    I would like to arrange a meeting so we can understand further the issues and the other alternatives and why this solution has been selected.

    How soon can this be arranged

  13. Iain Roberts says:

    Hi Morag,

    There has been further request from residents to stop people parking on the junction with the access road up to Ladybrook. The highway code is clear about people not parking on junctions, but sometimes putting down yellow lines can help enforce that rule.

    Because it is moving parking around rather than creating new parking, we try to only put in new restrictions where there is a safety reason to do so.

    The proposal hasn’t come to area committee yet, so I assume local residents are being consulted. We’ll see what people say and take a view.

    Feel free to give me a call if you want to have a chat about it.

  14. Morag Ashworth says:

    Thanks Ian
    I presume those residents stay at the Miltons – would love to know where all their visitors are going to park when they come to visit.
    Outside everyone else’s house no doubt – I really cant believe how selfish people can be.
    Would love a chat about the best way to tackle this – Is there a good time to give you a call

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