Cheadle policing report to 12th March

by Lib Dem team on 13 March, 2018

From our local policing team:

Good Morning All,

As this is the first update so far in March I will include Burglary and Theft From Vehicle Crime figures inclusive of 1st March to 12th.

There have been 9 Residential Burglaries and 8 Theft From Vehicle Crimes for the Cheadle area in total.

Heald Green has had 2 Residential Burglaries in March,   One on the evening of Thursday 8th, and the most recent Burglary to date, overnight on Saturday 10th. The first involved a brick being thrown through a rear glass patio door, and the second involved a door frame being forced open. There have been 2 Theft from vehicle crimes in Heald Green, both in the daytime on Friday 9th, and both involved number plates being stolen.

Cheadle Hulme had 1 Residential Burglary on the evening of Thursday 8th , the offender / offenders disabled the security light and gained entry by prising open a wooden window frame. There have been 3 Theft From Vehicle Crimes in Cheadle Hulme so far, on the 2nd, 8th and 9th, all overnight. All 3 crimes involved windows being smashed and items being stolen. In one of the instances, screen wash was poured over the car, potentially as a forensic counter-measure.

Gatley had 2 Residential Burglaries, both on 2nd March. The first happened in the early evening time between 5-6pm, and involved a patio door being smashed and jewellery being stolen. The second occurred overnight, and  involved car keys being stolen through an insecure kitchen window and the vehicle being stolen. Thankfully this vehicle was recovered the next day. There have been 3 Theft From Vehicle Crimes in Gatley so far, on the 6th, 10th, and 11th, the first one was in the early afternoon time, and the other two overnight. All three vehicles were left insecure, so it appears that these have been crimes of opportunity.

Cheadle centre had the largest number of Residential Burglaries with a total of 4. These occurred on 2nd in the daytime, 6th overnight, and 2 overnight on 9th. The crime which occurred on the 2nd involved a balcony patio door being smashed to gain entry and jewellery was stolen. Jewellery appears to be a recent target, particularly in this case as other valuables were left behind. The most recent three included 2 shed breaks and 1 garage break. Despite Cheadle being higher for Residential Burglaries, they have had no Theft From Vehicle Crimes.

As announced in the March Newsletter: The Heald Green ‘CRIME PREVENTION ROADSHOW’ will be back again outside Sainsbury’s/John Lewis, Wilmslow Road, Cheadle, SK8 3BB, on Saturday 7th April 10am-2pm. We have now set a date for the Cheadle Hulme ‘CRIME PREVENTION ROADSHOW’ which will be at Lidl, Councillor lane, to take place on Monday 19th March, 10am-2pm. These roadshows are a perfect way to meet your local neighbourhood officers, discuss any issues, and get invaluable crime prevention advice/information. Please spread the word!


Cheadle Neighbourhood Policing Team


4 Responses

  1. Roy says:

    What do the Police intend to do about these crimes?

  2. John H says:

    ROY :- Investigate and arrest.

  3. Saj says:

    It appears to have been a busy and lucrative start to spring for the thieves. More has to be done by the police to stamp out this brazen attitude.

  4. janet mcleod says:

    CCTV cameras wouldnt go amiss especially near the village. There are no cctv cameras in Cheadle provided by the council, except in car parks. And better street lighting would help as some streets in Cheadle are almost pitch black. I know these are really obvious suggestions but they would make a difference. Cameras would definitely deter thieves for a start.

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