Iain supports Jewish Manifesto for Local Government

by Lib Dem team on 21 April, 2018

Cllr Iain Roberts is supporting the Jewish Manifesto for Local Government, issued by the Board of Deputies.

The first of the ten commitments is :

Oppose antisemitism, anti-Muslim hatred and all forms of racism. Adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism and its appended examples to provide guidance to elected officials and public servants about this persistent form of prejudice

“There is no place for racial or religious hatred, intolerance or discrimination in our community,” said Iain. “We are lucky to have strong Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities in our area, along with followers of other religions and none, who have long worked together for the benefit of all. We must reject anti-semitism and anti-muslim hatred.”

You can read the full manifesto here.


10 Responses

  1. John Hartley says:

    Whilst I applaud your efforts here, Iain, let us not ignore that fact that the manifesto you link to is intended, at least in part, as a political campaign, which goes beyond matters of discrimination. .

    For example, it says that it may be regarded as anti-semitic to boycott Israeli goods. Let me be blunt here – I have not knowingly bought Israeli goods in my adult life and have no intention of doing so until Israel returns to its internationally agreed borders. I am only one person and can do little to protest about the actions of that regime, including discriminatory actions, over many, many years – but what I can do, I must do. It is no different from my decision not to buy South African goods during the apartheid years. If my friends and neighbours wish to regard me as antisemitic because of that, then that is a matter for them, not for me.

    • John Ellis says:

      There’s nothing wrong with questioning the political decisions of Israel, but unfortunately many use this as a cover to propagate anti-semitism, as is the case of moslem hatred, many use the criminal acts of a few to legitimise the stigmatisation of all moslems. Saying that, the majority of people do recognise the difference between legitimate criticism and xenophobia.

      • Daniel says:

        John, if you truly wish to boycott ALL Israeli goods and technologies, then I suggest you get rid of your mobile phone, if you have one. If you are unaware, Israel is one of the world leaders in mobile technology – now you know – so get rid of that phone !

        While, you are at it, next time you require a MRI scan, you’ll have to inform your doctor that as you are boycotting any Israeli good, I’m afraid you won’t be able to use that Israeli invention.

        I could go on and on – suffice it to say, your ignorance on this subject is alarming !

        • John Hartley says:

          Hi Daniel

          Just to respond to your post, I actually don’t carry a mobile phone. And, according to Wikipedia, MRI scanning was invented by an American, Raymond Damadian – so I can regard the one I had last week at Wythenshawe with a clear conscience.

          Disappointing that, in your final sentence, you descend to personal abuse. Such is life, I suppose.

        • Mak says:

          Hi Daniel,

          No one will stop using their phones (by the way thhe majority of phone tech is South Korean – Samsung and HTC and IPhones inside parts ate made by Samsung anyway)

          No one will stop using MRI so stop being immature.

          No one here on this forum is saying they hate Israel or Jewish people. So calm down

          • Daniel says:

            Fair enough that you do not own a Mobile phone. MRI tech is a Israeli military development, which has been adopted to multiple uses, the most familiar being the medical MRI scans.

            As I do not know if links are allowed here, if you google youtube video things invented in israel that people boycott, you may find this of interest to see what technology has been invented, that is used EVERY DAY by people around the world.

    • Mak says:

      Well said…

  2. Mak says:

    How is supporting boycotts antisemitism ???

    This is a human right to choose where you want to shop if you believe a particular government is committing international crimes (this country boycotts via sanctions on countries whose governments commit international crimes except for Israel lol who have committed more international crimes than Saddam Hussein)

    Zionists are not Jews. That’s like saying ISIS represent all Muslims…

  3. Mak says:

    Hi Iain,

    I’m quite upset that you are supporting this manefesto. Are you sure you have read it? Has any Jewish people actually gone through properly? The first major points is all about removing freedom of speech and criminalising boycotting products made in Israel, some/many of which are produced on illegal occupied land. How can anyone with a heart support this??

    Disappointed Iain, especially when i have had conversations about this with yourself… I hope this is not the view of the Lib Dems … if so i might have to vote elsewhere.

  4. DR C says:

    “WHO CARES”?!…
    These are LOCAL elections!
    Tha doubts anyone outside of Stocky, less still Cheadle, cares what anyone here thinks and even notices what they do!!
    Now then, if you care about the Jewish community or you are one of them, there must be issues relevant to them which would have wider public benefit also??…
    How about a proper pedestrian crossing across the north end of the Kingsway lights/junction??? – you know – the one which sees a troop of Jews crossing it every Saturday morning/lunchtime!
    This could be dangerous as things stand.

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