What needs some money spent on it, asks Graham

by Lib Dem Team on 10 July, 2018

Please submit your suggestions –

Each year your local councillors have a small sum to allocate towards local schemes to benefit Cheadle & Gatley ward. This year we have some thousands available and we are looking for great ideas.

Please send your suggestions to: Graham Greenhalgh by telephone: 07925 989168, or e.mail: cllr.graham.greenhalgh@stockport.gov.uk or by post 62 Borrowdale Avenue, Gatley, SK8 4QF

Closing date for suggestions: end August 2018

Ideas will be submitted for public consultation in early September 2018.

Almost anything considered, but we are looking for community schemes, local improvements, support groups, anything that improves local life whether in parks, play areas, road, paths or local amenities.

Thank you in advance
Graham Greenhalgh


21 Responses

  1. Bruce says:

    Get rid of a few councillors – we do not need three per area.

  2. Ashley says:

    Block up the end of High Grove Road where it meets Broadway. It will make the area much safer for residents and school children and stop all the speeding through traffic we have to endure every day. It will also be far cheaper than proposed chicanes etc. That will have no result in stopping the speeding cars!

    • Alan says:

      No need to block it just install permanent speed cameras. I’ve said this before; absolutely no point in spending money on 20mph zones if it’s then not enforced!

  3. John says:

    If the work at the Tatton clears the pathway from Cambridge Road to Gatley Road, then fine. But if not could a permanent solution be found to ensure that this passageway is keep clear of undergrowth and have better lighting. Thanks

  4. Denise says:

    Clean up Longley Lane approaching the tip from Park Road onwards. In future get the people who run the tip to keep this area clean.

    Alter the traffic lights at Park Road and Longley Lane to allow pedestrians to cross safely by re-timing them.

    Put cameras on the junction and catch all those who speed through including bikers.

  5. David Johnson says:

    Please encourage walking and protect pedestrian pathways from wheeled transport – including so-called advanced transport gadgets – electric bikes/scooters (about to be launched) for which roads are designed. We humans evolved by coming down from the trees and using our legs. Regular walking is the easiest and most generally effective whole body exercise (sitting in a car seat instead is damaging) and needs more support to improve societies health. I do accept that in our modern world cars are necessary but should be for needed tasks not just for comfort.

  6. Anne says:

    I would dearly love some TLC given to Higher Mill Park as it used to be when we first moved here to Cheadle over 30years ago. So many people are unaware that it even exists. I used to let my children roam around the park when it was possible. Now it’s in a pretty poor state – very rarely is there any work done to bring it back to par. Even dead/fallen trees are left and not cleared away. It really bothers me that we are supposed to look after any greenbelt we have and yet here’s one that gets very little attention.

    We also need a bin outside the bus stop near to Istanbul/Blue Mango. Rubbish finds itself on the pavements because people won’t take their rubbish home with them.

  7. Alan says:

    Make Massie St one way/ turning in only, to stop illegal right turners coming out.

  8. Beryl Dean says:

    I would like you to consider providing a safe crossing place at the end of Clifton Drive and Lorna Grove. It is a dangerous bend and when alighting from the bus we have to cross there ,also when posting letters we on Lorna Grove have the same problem.Given that there are 3 crossing areas within a few hundred yard in Gatley that have recently been upgrade. I would like you to consider this request.

  9. Jennifer says:

    Where is Higher Mill Park, please? I have never heard of it and have lived in Cheadle for over 50 years!

  10. Jennifer says:

    Thanks, Iain. I know where that is!!

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