New shop moving into Gatley Co-op

by Lib Dem team on 10 November, 2018

The former Gatley Co-op, next to Armenique, will be a branch of Pound Express when it opens in a month or so.

Work is underway to refurbish the store.

The nearest Pound Express to Gatley is currently on Hollyhedge Road.

“It will be good to see a new business opening up in Gatley,” said Cllr Iain Roberts. “We wish them every success. We all have our own ideas about which businesses we’d ideally like to see in the village, but they have to be profitable and have someone willing to invest the money – and take the risk. Hopefully this business will do well and be a boost for the village.”


24 Responses

  1. DR C says:

    “GOOD…”? – “HUH”!
    Lowering the tone more like!
    It maybe a latter day Pollys Bazaar, but, ‘pretty’ Pollys was a real and local institution – nothing else will ever ‘knock her off her perch’ in the affection of some of us.

    • Dave says:

      You have to be realistic. I’d rather the unit be open and bringing trade to the area, then closed and looking like it is run down. Costa, Tesco, Pound Express…..all new to Gatley’s High Street and hopefully all 3 will remain and be successful for years to come. Good luck to them

      • John says:

        I agree Janet. It is good news that a business is interested in investing money in Gatley. It may not be the business that we would really like – a greengrocer, a fishmonger, a bank – but it is a start, and perhaps it will encourage other businesses. I’m willing to give PE a chance.

    • janet mcleod says:

      Wow what a snob you are. Why shouldnt we have pound shops etc in Cheadle and Gatley? Its about time we got some of the bargains without having to trek all over. We had a pound bakery in Cheadle a couple of years ago and didnt do well probably because of narrow minded pretentious folk like yourself.

      • Stuart Thompson says:

        The pound bakery in Cheadle was not a success. I shopped there a couple of times but found the food to be of very poor quality. I have nothing against discount stores and shop regularly at Cheadle’s Home Bargains and Iceland.

  2. Bruce says:

    Sign of the (retail) times – better than another food outlet.

    First ‘poundshop’ for Gatley/Cheadle.

    Best of luck to them I say.

  3. John Hartley says:

    Businesses can only survive if folk use them.

    As I’ve commented before, Gatley can support several takeaways but couldnt support a greengrocer.

    Signs of the times, as Bruce says.

    • Harry Bull says:

      Robert, the only reason the greengrocer shut Dow is because of the lack of quality of the produce. When it was being run by the guy who Peter employed? there was always someone in the shop. When he left and Peter ran it himself it went down like a ton of bricks. The old adage still applies : Quality Always Sells.

      • John Hartley says:

        You’re right , Harry.

        When Mundy’s was being run by the Mundy family – latterly Nick Mundy – it was great. Then Peter took it over, due to the downturn in business continuing to employ Nick, but it went downhill because he didnt understand the business. So, first Nick’s sister left. Then Nick. By then, of course, Nick’s wife who used to do the floristry had also left. By then, it was dead as a dodo, with Peter relying on deliveries from wholesalers, rather than going to market as Nick had done

  4. Robert Cohen says:

    Give it a chance. Someone will be investing quite a chunk of cash in opening up – a huge cost these days with excessive rates and rents – together with all other costs. And so much better than another takeaway.

  5. I echo all those who comment that a working shop ( whatever is being sold) is better than empty premises.

  6. Joan says:

    Good luck to them. Much needed to replace Pollys which we miss very much

  7. Jennifer says:

    Hear, hear! Almost anything is better than empty shop premises. Anyway, what is wrong with Poundland? Some people are such snobs!

  8. Lib smith says:

    Smashing .it will be good to be able to buy every day stuff at reasonable prices.

  9. beach drifter says:

    If Pound Express have faith in opening a business in our village then lets support them, if it doesn’t pay it will close and become another empty unit again, come on Gatley support this new venture – lets make Gatley great again

  10. Jane says:

    My first impression was ‘oh dear’ but d’ya know what? I immediately realised that I’ll probably use it a lot !! It’s better than having to travel into Cheadle to use Quality Save, better than having yet another takeaway & certainly better than an empty unit that makes the village look run down.
    A Costa & a Pound Express will bring more people to our village who will probably use other shops whilst here.

  11. Jennifer says:

    Why does it say ‘ your comment is awaiting moderation’ above what I wrote? My comment only echos what others have said.

    • Mark McIntyre says:

      Because the Liberals are NOT!
      They are really uncomfortable with opinions which challenge their world view AND which challenge the sensibilities (over-sensibilities it would appear!) of their readership.
      Perhaps if Gatley had fewer retail premises it would not look like an abandoned location?
      Oneself much prefers Church Road to Northenden / Gatley Roads – the traffic noise and fumes along the latter two are most unpleasant.

  12. Iain Roberts says:

    Just a quick Admin note:

    It appears that “Dr C” and “Mark McIntyre” are two accounts run by the same person. Following multiple complaints, I have previously put Dr C on a watchlist so his posts all have to be approved before they go live. I have now done the same with Mark McIntyre.

    • John says:

      Well done Iain for your action on “Dr C” and “Mark McIntyre.

      Also for updating us on a possible business investment in Gatley. I hope that Pound Express will decide to proceed. I don’t know them but i will have a look if they do decide to come to Gatley.

  13. Alice Fox says:

    The comment Chav Central should never have been printed. My job took me into Benchill and I found most of the people there kept clean, well-cared for homes and were as respectable as people elsewhere.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      I’ve now removed that comment.

      • John Hartley says:

        Good. It was a predictable remark from that person but no less an insult to those of us who originate from Wythenshawe and have family living there. My mother came from Northern Moor and my parents in law live in Woodhouse Park. It’s the sort of remark encouraged by the anonymity of the internet and would never be said face-to-face without risk of, erm, “consequences”.

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